
Dear Rich, Episode #20

                                                                            April 8th, 2023 Dear Rich,    Another day. Another dollar. 13 days left until court. I called my mom this morning and talk to her, at least, Joe, Joe, and my aunt Lisa. The whole Pham Bam. So that was really nice. I wish I was out shopping with them. Hopefully, soon. There’s not a lot to do today, so I’m back in the phone line. I’m going to try to call Erica; I know that tuyl is supposed to be at a wedding all day today – but update: I couldn’t get through to Erica and did get through to Jule. So I’ve made my phone calls for the day and can go back to my book. I’m about halfway through.   Update on camouflaged J-Catt, Isaiah: he is still here, and the scent is still as “fresh” as can be. Sad day for the rest of the residents of the Hollywood Hills. I just caught him playing “handball,” let’s call it, with himself, with the ball from a roll Dash on deodorant stick. I rest my case. Time to go, there’s really not

Dear Rich, Episode #19

                                                                            April 7, 2023 Dear Rich,  Happy good Friday! 14 more days or 2 Weeks until court and hopefully finally some answers. Today is also my Sweet mom’s birthday! She already told me that you messaged her. I talked to her last night since she’s working all day. I talked to Jule this morning and she got some more letters to post – so hopefully you’ll see those soon. This morning has kind of been crazy. I guess they’re really starting to crack down on the rules. A deputy came into the day room at like 9 AM and gave us all “by the book” rules that we have to abide to. Other than not being allowed to work out in the dayroom, nothing really changes for me. You know I’m a brown Noser rule follower. Lol. But some of these guys are going to be put into check, real quick, because some walk around like we are living on Main Street USA at Disneyland instead of a county jail. So that will be entertaining to watch when the time co

Dear Rich, Episode 18

                                                                         April 6th, 2023  Dear Rich,    Hello my love. I hope you’re having a good day. I tried punching in the phone number you gave me just for “shits and giggles” to see if it would work, but of course it didn’t. At least no one can say that I don’t still try. 15 Days until court. We’re getting there babe… Slowly, but surely. I was able to talk to Marissa this morning – so that was really nice to catch up with her and hear her voice. Sounds like she’s doing great in good ok’ Texas; working at Sephora and living her best life. I’m still so so glad and grateful that she was there for all of the trials and was able to first hand witness everything that was said in case anyone had any doubt about anything. She will be my ride or die for life. I actually just got back in the phone line and also talked to Jule, and now I’m back in again to hopefully talk to my mom.   Another funny story, while I’m waiting in line, to give you

Dear Rich, Episode #17

                                                                          April 5th, 2023 Dear Rich,    16 Days until court. It feels like I was just saying 32 and 31 days. So writing the number 16 put a small smile on my face. I was able to get into the phone line and call my mom and have her relay to John what the probation officer said I needed. So hopefully that will soon be under wraps. I returned some responses to the letters I got to the peoples addresses I have, so they should be delivered soon, and of course, trying to “truck through” this book. It’s so good, but so so detailed and long. But it helps to make the time pass. I am anxiously awaiting my visit at 3 PM with Tracy and Jule. I will write about that when I get back. I’ve also been trying to memorize the words to the song I’m singing on Sunday. Tell me why I’m getting nervous and stressed to sing for inmates in jail?!? LOL    I just finished my visit with Jule and Tracy. It was so great to see both of them. They made me

Dear Rich, Episode #16

                                                                           April 4, 2023 Dear Rich,    17 days until court. Another day down to check off. Still no word from the probation officer. I’ll have my mom check in with John at the end of the week if I still don’t hear anything. Last night was pretty uneventful – not even any “roaching” took place. Oh!! Because rumor has it, that a fight broke out next to us, and they needed “all hands on deck.” so we were forced to “bunk up” for the night around 8:30 PM apparently, went bad fights happen before the deputies can go in and break it up, they shoot little “pepper spray balls” into the day room, causing the fighters to cover their mouths and eyes. Well – the pepper spray lingers, and starts to come through our vents. Yikes! So we were all wearing facemasks to bed last night. Dreams indeed. LOL. I gave David a few pictures of us and he’s drawing a caricature for me. I will send it as soon as he’s done.   I forgot to tell you that I

Dear Rich, Episode #15

                                                                         April 3, 2023 Dear Rich,   Good morning my love. I got an early start this morning, so I thought I should start by saying hi and telling you how much I love and miss you. I hope you had a good birthday yesterday, I’m almost positive you spent most of the day in bed recovering from the night before. Am I right? Or am I right?  LOL. 18 Days until court. The days are slowly but surely passing by. So I learned that Monday mornings are our “mail days”. This morning I got letters from Maryland, my mom, Melanie, and Ahnie; and both Melanie and my mom sent me some actual printed photos. I instantly started bawling, looking at the pictures of the dogs, Scott and Ahnie’s wedding, and some great photos of us and Hawaii with Melanie, Jay and Jordan. How I’m longing to relive all of those memories again. The letters, all of them, were so sweet and touching. Marilyn’s letter made me smile and laugh; Melanie’s was so kind tellin

Dear Rich, Episode #14

                                                                          April 2, 2023 Dear Rich,   First of all, Happy, Happy Birthday!  I am beyond devastated that I cannot call and talk to you today. I hope you were able to take the day off and either relax, and/or recover from last night. We just had our clothing exchange. Every Sunday. So we got to go outside and experience sunlight for a few minutes. I am currently waiting in the phone line to call Kylie Koo. 19 Days until court. I’m starting to get stressed and scared, but trying to stay positive and hopeful. I think I’m just a little extra down today, knowing that it’s your special day and I’m stuck in here without being able to talk to you. It’s OK – hopefully this will be the last birthday we have to spend apart.   Just did my work out. I try to do at least a series of push-ups, squats, and sit ups daily to maintain my girlish figure so I won’t be completely out of whack the next time you see me. Lol. I was just talking to E