Dear Rich, Episode 18

                                                                         April 6th, 2023 

Dear Rich, 

  Hello my love. I hope you’re having a good day. I tried punching in the phone number you gave me just for “shits and giggles” to see if it would work, but of course it didn’t. At least no one can say that I don’t still try. 15 Days until court. We’re getting there babe… Slowly, but surely. I was able to talk to Marissa this morning – so that was really nice to catch up with her and hear her voice. Sounds like she’s doing great in good ok’ Texas; working at Sephora and living her best life. I’m still so so glad and grateful that she was there for all of the trials and was able to first hand witness everything that was said in case anyone had any doubt about anything. She will be my ride or die for life. I actually just got back in the phone line and also talked to Jule, and now I’m back in again to hopefully talk to my mom.

  Another funny story, while I’m waiting in line, to give you a little chuckle… Every time I come down the flight of stairs, there’s usually at least one or two “cat-call whistles”. You know the duo whistle tone I’m referring to.. The one in the movies, when a pretty girl walks by, and then some weirdo guy does the “woo-woo” whistle town… Well now… Every time I come down the stairs, and walk to the faucet to get water, or to the kiosk to look at my commissary, what seems like a stadium full of whistles, come from almost all 40 bodies that reside in the lower tier. You would be so proud. If this were a bar, I would never have to pay for a single round. I usually respond with a shoulder pop, a light “shimmy”, or something along the lines of an accepting yet mysterious smile. Always keep them wanting more has always been a good motto.

  Three phone calls today, and I think that’s about all I can handle with that today… That line itself is exhausting. I’m going to do some sort of design that consists of four large Dutch braids in Frosty’s hair. Another “Salon de Sean” regular. We just got our commissary and I was looking forward to the package you sent, but apparently if they’re ordered from “the outs”, to get your package on Thursday night, it has to be ordered by Monday night. All of these strange rules with different time frames – it’s absolutely a live and learn experience. I got back in the phone line earlier at 7, and was able to call my mom again around 8:40 PM; four phone calls, in one day?!? I’m becoming a spoiled phone monster! Lol I had to tell her happy birthday in case I didn’t get through to her tomorrow. I’m hungry, so I think I’m going to make a soup and call it a night. I love you so much and after tonight, we’ll be one day closer to being able to talk to each other. A hundred kisses… XOXO.

Love Always, 

Sean ❤️ Pop Tart 


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